11/5 Union Update
Posted On: Nov 05, 2023

Good evening, 


Below are the updates from the board after the last meeting. Our next union meeting will be held on 12/7 at 6pm, at station 46. At this meeting we will be presenting all of our recent retirees with their axes. Please join us in person!


Poker Party hosted by Cody Boyd

Cody is setting up another poker party on 11/9 @ 1800-midnight ish. The 1st 16 people to RSVP to Cody Boyd @ 360-920-1396 will be able to play. He is hoping to run 2 tables tournament style but depends on participation. The address is 1701 Monterey ct NE, Renton WA 98056


New Phone App Launches

After launching our new website this summer, we rolled out a phone application to go with it. This will allow you to view all parts of the website more easily on your phone, including (but not limited to) online voting and the message board. You will also be able to opt into push notifications. Push notifications will be our primary way to send notifications to members unless they have more urgent timelines then text and/or emails will be sent. Please read information below on how to download the app on iPhones or Android devices:


iPhone: http://apps.unionactive.com/install_iphone.php?siteid=iaff1747

Android: http://apps.unionactive.com/install_android.php?siteid=iaff1747


Member Interest Requested RE: Paramedic Training

We are currently discussing options with the RFA and King County Medic One on a pilot program to allow our members access to training and employment as a Paramedic. We have more questions than answers but understanding our members’ desires will help guide us in discussions. If you have interest in a 10-month paramedic training program and moving employment to Medic One, please send an email to keven@kentfirefighters.org. We need to determine all the impacts this employment transfer creates, but also how you come back as a PSF member and what it entails if you desire. Simply, we are just gauging interest at this point. 


Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)

We continue to meet with Admin on making changes to the definition of sick leave and brainstorm solutions with their concerns. We have a meeting scheduled soon. 


Standard Short Term Disability Insurance

Recently one of our members appealed with Standard on the denial of benefits and sought help from the State Insurance Commissioner. In short, the appeal was denied, and the Insurance Commissioner’s office said the plan policy is being applied properly and couldn’t offer any help. We are looking into other solutions that alleviate any concerns we all have with access to benefits and when more information is available we will share with our members.


Holiday Cash Out – Pensionable Earnings

We continue to have conversations with the RFA to maintain our shared goal of having the cash out reportable to DRS as pensionable earnings. We understand no changes have been made on the RFA side in finance for the current cycle of cashing out and will be handled like last year expecting we will come to agreement on our shared and negotiated goal. Any questions, reach out to Keven.


Food Fund

Kyle Wade is going to step down as the food fund rep for stations 71,72,74,77. We need to find a replacement to take care of those stations. If you are interested, reach out to eboard@kentfirefighters.org or any of the current food fund reps to learn more about the role or to volunteer. The current food fund reps are Brian Willis, Art Burnett, and Austin Burton.


Upcoming Elections

Voting will open this week for the Director Position. Jesse Wise, Art Weichbrodt and Joe Paglia are all running, below are the bios from each of the candidates. The following positions were elected by acclamation. Cody Boyd - VP, Alex Riedo - Secretary, Nancy Reynolds - RN/SW rep. 

Jesse Wise:


Hello Brothers and Sisters, 


Most of you know me, and know that I am running for the Union Director position & I am asking for your vote. For those I have not had the chance to work with here is a little background on myself. I have been with the department for over 14 years and am currently Captain at station 77 on A shift. I’ve been married to my wife Michelle for 3 years and we have a son named Lincoln who just turned 2. I love this job, & this union and I have been wanting to get more involved for sometime. 


The main reason I’m running for director is after attending a few of the recent Chief 1 meetings one common complaint that was brought up was, growing too fast, and losing our “culture” & people feeling like just a number. While I’d love the department to be more involved in solving that problem I believe our Union can really make a difference in this area. As a Director I’ll be happy to serve in whatever role I’m needed most and can present the most value as a conduit between the membership and Eboard, but my main goal would be “Union Membership Engagement” and supporting our members in these endeavors. More support, both planning and financial for events that bring our Union membership closer together. Events like the annual ski trip that Kurt puts together, Muno’s softball team, Dudley’s old shift vs shift competitions, maybe even starting an annual family friendly camping trip, a union summer BBQ picnic, monthly kid friendly meet ups, or quarterly poker nights etc… if you dream it and it brings us closer together, I want to make it happen. If this sounds like something you’re interested in I’d appreciate your vote. 


Thank you for your consideration, 

If you have any questions or want to talk you can reach out to me
(206) 747-8222

Jesse Wise

Art Weichbrodt:


I am running for director for local 1747. For those who don't know me, I am part of the 46/47 D shift crew. I have been captain of Ladder 46 for over three years and still love going to work every day. I feel fortunate to be part of this organization and want to continue to see us grow in a way that is beneficial to all. I want to make sure all of our members feel valued and included in the decision making. One of my concerns is lack of participation among members in several areas. I would like to see greater numbers in online votes and meetings as well as events, including send off breakfasts, retirement parties, holiday parties and the like. I want to see the organization move forward in a way where we are able to build off of each other's contributions. I feel there are blind spots in our administration and I have never been shy pointing that out. I think we have a solid local, but there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes and it is time for me to step up and help. I also feel the local is fortunate to have JJ Wise and Joe Pags willing to step up, solid brothers both. Thanks for the consideration for the position of director. 


Art Weichbrodt

206 795 7384

Joe Paglia:


Hello Local 1747,

My name is Joe Paglia and I am running for the director position for Local 1747. I have 7 years on the job originally hired with Tukwila. I served on the Eboard as “A shift/day shift rep” for 3 years with Local 2088 and loved every bit of it. I love being involved and giving back to the membership. I would appreciate your vote to continue working for the membership and making a difference.


Thank you,

Joe Paglia

253 508 2381

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